New Template Revision Feature in Smart Messenger

Smart Messenger's handy new template revision feature makes it easy to revert to earlier versions of your email template, even after you've saved changes.

Ever been in the middle of creating an email campaign, saved some changes and then wished you could revert to the previous version without having to start from scratch? Smart Messenger's new template revision feature solves this problem, making campaign creation an even smoother experience.

What is the Template Revision Feature?

The template revision feature is a helpful addition to the Smart Messenger platform that ensures you never lose any work while editing your email templates. Every time you make an edit to a template, a snapshot of that version is automatically saved. This means you can review, compare and restore any previous version of your template at any time.

  • Track Changes Easily - With each edit, a new revision is created, allowing you to see the history of changes made to your templates. This can be particularly useful if you need to understand how your template has evolved over time or if multiple team members are collaborating on a single template.
  • Restore Previous Versions - Accidentally made changes that you don't like? No problem. The Template Revision feature allows you to easily restore any previous version of your template, ensuring that you can always go back to a version you’re happy with.

Using The New Feature

Using the new Template Revision feature is simple and intuitive:

  • Access the Revisions Tab - On the Template screen, you'll find a new 'Revisions' tab. This tab houses all the saved versions of your template.
  • Review Revisions - Click on any revision to review its details. You can see what changes were made and when they were made.
  • Compare Versions - Use the comparison tool to view differences between the current template and any previous revision. This side-by-side comparison can help you decide which version you want to keep or revert to.
  • Restore Previous Versions - If you want to revert to a previous version of the template, simply click the 'Restore Revision' button. This will revert your template to the selected version, allowing you to continue working from there.

Need Help?

If you'd like to know more about this feature or any other aspect of Smart Messenger, please get in touch. We offer unlimited phone support to all our clients, so give us a call if you have a question. Not yet a customer? We're always happy to provide no-obligation advice to business owners and marketers who are just starting out with email marketing or looking for a more effective option.
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