Master Email Marketing: Courses For Campaign Success!

Transform Your Email Marketing

Our practical half-day training courses provide the knowledge and skills you need to get great results from your email marketing, whichever platform you use.

We're passionate about helping organisations succeed. Our competitively-priced courses are packed with comprehensive insights and tools, ensuring exceptional value for money. Get ready to take your email marketing skills to the next level and transform your campaign results! Contact us to find out when our next course is running.


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What You'll Learn

Our expert-led course covers all you need to know for campaign success.

  • Campaign planning skills -  Taking a strategic approach to planning, targeting and measurement.
  • How to maximise open rates - Learn proven tactics to get your emails opened.
  • Practical ways to boost engagement - Discover how to craft compelling calls-to-action.
  • How to build your contact list - Unlock secrets to growing your database both off and online.
  • Data protection & GDPR essentials - Understand your legal obligations and send with confidence.
  • How to leverage email automation - Enhance campaign effectiveness with automated workflows.
  • Using data to improve future campaigns - Analysing performance to refine your next campaigns.

Contact Us For Next Training Dates

Our half-day workshops include lunch.

Price: £149 (+VAT) per person (inc refreshments, lunch and parking)
20% discount for charities with code CHARITY20. 

New dates are added throughout the year. Check back or contact us if you would us to bring our workshop to a different location.


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Holly Stibbon

Meet Your Course Leader - Holly Stibbon


Holly is an email marketing specialist with 25 years' experience in digital marketing, bringing a wealth of industry expertise to our workshops. As Managing Director of 101 Websites, Apps & Email Marketing, she is passionate about helping organisations achieve their goals through effective online solutions. With her knowledgeable, creative and solution-focused approach, Holly has earned a reputation for guiding businesses towards digital success. Stay connected with Holly on LinkedIn for her latest insights and updates.

Delegate Feedback

"Made me excited about emailing!" - Shine

"Informative, friendly and well delivered" - St Giles Gin

"Very informative & practical" - R A Brown Heating Services

"Really thorough & informative" - Clapham & Collinge

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Who Should Attend?

This course is for marketers, small and medium-sized business owners and anyone responsible for email marketing - whichever platform you use.

It's suitable for those who are new to email marketing or want to improve the performance of their campaigns. The workshop format is interactive and friendly, including group discussion and feedback sessions. It is packed with practical advice as well as strategic direction to help you transform your email marketing activities. 




Boost Your Email Marketing Skills

Are your current email marketing campaigns falling short of expectations? Want to kickstart your email marketing journey but unsure where to begin?


We understand how overwhelming it can be to handle email marketing on your own, especially if you've been left to navigate complex online platforms without dedicated support. That's why we've designed our half-day email marketing training workshop to equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to make your marketing campaigns a resounding success, whichever email marketing platform you use. 

Course Overview

This course will equip you to define your email marketing strategy and take a customer-centric approach to your campaigns.


With our workshop, you’ll learn all you need to know to create successful email marketing campaigns. You'll gain the knowledge and email marketing tools you need to plan and deliver successful campaigns to support your organisation’s objectives. You will also learn about your legal obligations as an email marketer. You'll leave knowing how to manage contact data and send campaigns with confidence. 


The course is interactive and practical. You will get tips and ideas that you can put into action straightaway for immediate benefit. Our course leader will also provide individual feedback on one of your previous email campaigns. And there will be plenty of opportunities to ask for support on specific issues about your email marketing. This comprehensive email marketing masterclass includes course materials and small class sizes.

Why Choose Our Email Marketing Course?

Practical Insights

Our workshop delivers practical insights that you can implement right away to enhance your email marketing strategies.

Expert Guidance

Learn from experienced professionals with a proven track record of successful email marketing campaigns.

Tailored for Your Needs

Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your existing skills, our course caters to all skill levels/platforms.


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Learning Outcomes

By attending this training course you will learn how to:  

Fulfil your legal obligations relating to email marketing

GDPR and the UK Data Protection Act 2018 changed how we handle personal data. This has created uncertainties for many marketers. On this course, we provide clarity around this complex issue. You will find out about the legal grounds for data processing and how to select the right approach for your organisation. You will also learn how to handle data responsibly to avoid falling foul of Data Protection legislation.  

Plan your email campaigns

You will learn how to develop a strategic approach to your campaigns based on your target audience, objectives and measurements for success. You will also discover the questions to ask yourself before devising your campaign. You’ll leave the session with a checklist to ensure you don’t miss anything important. 

Get your audience to open your email

Learn about the four factors that influence a recipient’s decision to open your email or not. We will explore each factor to show you how to achieve open-rate success. 

Get your audience to take action

Here you will examine the most crucial part of the email campaign – getting your recipients to take action. You’ll get takeaway tips to help you encourage your readers to ‘buy now’, ‘book now’ or ‘learn more’. These practical suggestions don’t take long to implement, but they can make a significant impact on your results. 

Achieve more with automation

Learn how to get the most from your email campaigns by setting up email workflows. These allow you to tailor and automate your communications according to contacts' previous interactions with your emails. 

Grow your marketing database

Find out how landing pages and forms can help you grow your marketing database and magnify the success of your email and social media campaigns. 

Mobile-friendly emails

Research shows that over 70% of people view their emails on their mobile devices. So you can’t afford to send campaigns that aren’t responsive. You’ll learn how to make your emails look great on mobile. And make it easy for your recipients to fulfil your calls to action. 

Evaluate your performance

Email marketing is the most cost-effective, measurable form of marketing there is. You will learn how to use the analytics available to gain critical insights to inform your future campaigns. This data will be invaluable as you test different approaches to connect with your audience. 

Review a previous campaign

If you are already running campaigns, we will invite you to send an example to us before the training course. We will review your email in the session. Not only will you get feedback from your course leader, but also from fellow delegates in the room. This is an extremely useful part of the course and gives you some real-life feedback to work with. 

Ready to take your email marketing to the next level?

Join one of our half-day training workshops and get the skills to succeed! We hold regular training courses at various locations including Norwich, Cambridge and Ipswich. Contact us for details of our next courses, or to arrange tailored training for yourself or your team.


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