Use Email Marketing To Get Back To Business After Lockdown

The coronavirus has impacted businesses everywhere, but as the UK starts to re-emerge from lockdown, it’s time to look to the future.

If you are one of the many businesses preparing to relaunch following the coronavirus lockdown, email marketing is the perfect communications tool. Whether you’ve continued to trade during the lockdown, or you are soon reopening, we’re going to show you how to use email marketing to let your customers know that you are back and ready to do business. 

Initially, you’ll be sharing one of two straightforward messages. Either, ‘We’re back in business’ or ‘We’ve never been away’. No matter which message is relevant to your organisation, using an email marketing service like Smart Messenger to deliver it is a great way to get noticed by your target audience. 

Everyone who can is working from home right now, which means that your target audience is online more than ever. Their offices are their kitchen tables, spare bedrooms or lounges. Their smartphones are a lifeline to the rest of the world and they are constantly looking at their inboxes. So, when you use email marketing to reach them, it’s the most efficient way to ensure they read what you have to say. 

You should be sharing useful information such as whether your offices or premises are open, the latest news about your business or industry that’s relevant to them or new content alerts. 

So, once you’ve let everyone know that you are here and open for business, it’s time to use email marketing to its best advantage. Let’s talk about content. 

Use email marketing to share valuable, helpful content 

From here on in, the content you produce and share with your target audience should be helpful and informative. That’s a golden rule from the Smart Messenger team. 

Now is the time to demonstrate that your company cares about its customers and that you want everybody to recover from the COVID-19 nightmare as quickly as possible.

Reflect this in your content by producing emails that are genuinely useful and valuable. Here are some examples of what you should share: 

  1. Advice – as an expert in your industry, you will have knowledge that could help others. Think about the problems your customers will be facing right now and then produce content that offers them advice and guidance on how to solve them.
  2. Tips – people love to read content with smart tips that help to save them time or money. This type of content should be easy for the recipient to implement and get quick results.
  3. Workshops/Training – right now, businesses need their people to refresh their skills and build on them. Share links to any online training you’re running via your email marketing and invite your audience to join in.
  4. Blog posts, videos or social – if you are creating blogs, vlogs or sharing insightful information via social media, let your email list know with content alert emails. You can share a preview of blogs or vlogs and links to your social media, so your list doesn’t miss out on content published across your channels.

Once again, no matter what sort of content you share in your marketing emails, make sure it’s of value to the target audience. Make it all about them, offer as much as you can for free or low cost and build your reputation as the expert business that cares. 

The benefits of using email marketing to connect with your potential customers 

Getting into the habit of producing and sharing great content is worthwhile because it can benefit your business in a myriad of ways. Here are the most important ones.

  •  Email marketing content builds your reputation 

Every time you share quality content that helps the reader, your reputation as a trusted expert is strengthened. Email marketing is a vital part of brand-building, and a great way to cement your reputation as the go-to person on this subject.

  •  Great content can help you get recommended 

When you regularly communicate with your email list, you put yourself at the front of their minds. Even if they haven’t bought from you directly, once they see you as a trusted source of information, your audience is more likely to recommend you to their network. 

  • You’ll build a following

 Make it as easy as possible for people to share your email marketing content and for them to sign up to your email list. Your content should be so good that people don’t want to miss it and you can begin to build your following. 

  • Have content to share with influencers 

Cherry-pick the best content you create and send it out to influencers who can amplify it across their channels. These influencers might be member organisations, networking groups, people active on social media or the mainstream media. Don’t share everything with them, just the specific content you think they’ll be most likely to share. 

We hope email marketing helps you get back to business after COVID-19 

It’s been an incredibly tough time for everyone, and we know that many businesses have suffered enormously due to the pandemic. We hope this Email Marketing blog post is helpful and that you’ll share it with anyone else you think could benefit from using email marketing to get back to business.

If you want any more advice, do get in touch with our Smart Messenger team on 01603 858250 and we’ll be happy to help.

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